- Starting - Loading lexicon - 1427 lexemes defined ============================== What(N) about(P) the(D) black(J,N) working(V,N) class(N) '?' <> Amid(P) all(D,R) of(P) the(D) talk(V) about(P) economic(J) populism(N) this(D,N,R) election(N,P) cycle(N) ',' one(D,N) group(N) has(V) been(V) largely(R) left(J,V,R) out(R,P,J) ':' working(V,N) class(N) Americans(N,V) of(P) color(N) '.' <> The(D) focus(V) has(V) been(V) on(P) the(D) white(J) working(V,N) class(N) ',' with(P) the(D) narrative(J) of(P) a(D) forgotten(V,J,D) America(N) where(R,S) rural(J) whites(N,V) once(R,S) held(V) steady(J) factory(N) jobs(N,V) with(P) decent(J) wages(N,V) '.' <> The(D) economic(J) anxiety(N) facing(V,N) black(J,N) and(C) brown(J) workers(N,V) ',' while(S,N,R,V) arguably(R,J) more(D,R) profound(J) ',' has(V) been(V) largely(R) left(J,V,R) out(R,P,J) of(P) the(D) conversation(N) '.' <> In(P) fact(N) ',' in(P) a(D) @[CNN](?) '/' @[Kaiser](N,J) poll(N) taken(V,J) before(P,S,R) the(D) election(N,P) ',' '63' '%' of(P) white(J) working(V,N) class(N) respondents(N,V) said(V) they(N) were(V) satisfied(V,J) with(P) their(N) personal(J) financial(N) situation(N,P) compared(V,J) to(P,R) just(J,R) '40' '%' of(P) black(J,N) working(V,N) class(N) respondents(N,V) '.' <> Both(D) groups(N,V) were(V) overwhelmingly(R) dissatisfied(V,J) with(P) the(D) country's(N,Phr,Phr,Phr,Phr) economic(J) situation(N,P) '.' <> The(D) disparities(N,V) make(V) sense(V,N) considering(V,N) the(D) vast(J) racial(N,J) wealth(N) gap(N) in(P) the(D) U.S.(N) <> White(J) families(N,V) ',' on(P) average(J,N) ',' tend(V) to(P,R) have(V) '13' times(N,V) more(D,R) wealth(N) than(P) black(J,N) and(C) Latino(N) families(N,V) ',' according(V,N) to(P,R) the(D) @[Pew](?) Research(V) Center(N) '.' <> Blacks(N,V) and(C) Latinos(N,V) also(R) tend(V) to(P,R) be(V) paid(V) less(R) than(P) whites(N,V) and(C) they(N) are(V) also(R) more(D,R) likely(R) to(P,R) have(V) higher(J,N) rates(N,V) of(P) unemployment(N,J) than(P) whites(N,V) do(V) '.' <> They(N) are(V) also(R) more(D,R) likely(R) to(P,R) live(V) below(P) the(D) poverty(N) line(N) than(P) whites(N,V) '.' <> One(D,N) study(N) by(P) the(D) Economic(J) Policy(J) Institute(V) showed(V,J) that(N,S,P) black(J,N) employees(N,V) with(P) more(D,R) experience(N) and(C) education(N) were(V) still(J,N,R) paid(V) less(R) than(P) their(N) white(J) counterparts(N,V) '.' <> Another(D) study(N) by(P) the(D) Corporation(N) for(P) Economic(J) Development(N,J) and(C) the(D) Institute(V) for(P) Policy(J) Studies(N,V) said(V) if(S) current(J,N) trends(N,V) persist(V) ',' it(N) would(V) take(V,N) '228' years(N,V) for(P) black(J,N) families(N,V) and(C) '84' years(N,V) for(P) Latino(N) families(N,V) to(P,R) accumulate(V) the(D) same(J) amount(N) of(P) wealth(N) as(R,S,P) whites(N,V) '.' <> Yet(R,S) ',' the(D) focus(V) remains(V,N) on(P) the(D) problems(N,V) of(P) white(J) working(V,N) class(N) Americans(N,V) '.' <> '"' In(P) general(N) there(N) is(V) a(D) tendency(N,J) to(P,R) not(R) talk(V) about(P) blacks(N,V) as(R,S,P) workers(N,V) '.' <> This(D,N,R) hurts(V,N) the(D) whole(N) dialogue(N) ',' '"' said(V) @[William](N,D,V) @[Spriggs](?) ',' chief(N) economist(N,D) for(P) the(D) @[AFL-CIO](U) and(C) an(D) economics(N,V) professor(N,V) at(P) @[Howard](N,R,D,U) University(N,J) '.' <> Instead(R) ',' black(J,N) and(C) brown(J) workers(N,V) are(V) considered(V,J) '"' underclass(N) '"' as(R,S,P) opposed(V,J) to(P,R) working(V,N) class(N) and(C) '"' lazy(J) '"' instead(R) of(P) hardworking(J,N) ',' said(V) @[Spriggs](?) '.' <> And(C) yet(R,S) ',' they(N) too(R) have(V) worn(V,J) overalls(N,V) and(C) lost(V) factory(N) jobs(N,V) '.' <> '"' The(D) notion(N,P) of(P) the(D) white(J) working(V,N) class(N) implicitly(R) embodies(N,V) a(D) view(N) of(P) white(J) privilege(N) ',' '"' said(V) @[Spriggs](?) ',' '"' It(N) implies(V,N) that(N,S,P) things(N,V) are(V) supposed(V,J) to(P,R) be(V) different(J) for(P) them(N) ',' that(N,S,P) they(N) aren't(Phr,Phr,Phr) the(D) same(J) ',' that(N,S,P) they(N) aren't(Phr,Phr,Phr) going(V,N) to(P,R) face(N) the(D) same(J) pressures(N,V) '.' <> '"' <> There(N) is(V) no(D) official(N,J) definition(N) of(P) the(D) working(V,N) class(N) '.' <> Some(D,N,R) define(V) it(N) by(P) education(N) level(N) or(C) job(N) sector(N) ',' others(N,V) by(P) income(V) '.' <> John(N) @[Hudak](?) ',' a(D) senior(J) fellow(N) in(P) governance(N) studies(N,V) at(P) the(D) Brookings(N,V) Institution(N) calls(V,N) these(D,N,R) voters(N,V) '"' economically(R,J) marginalized(V,J) '"' because(S) they(N) often(R) fall(V,N) somewhere(R,N) between(P) the(D) poor(J) and(C) the(D) middle(N) class(N) '.' <> '"' The(D) realities(N,V) of(P) race(V,N) in(P) our(N) society(N) and(C) in(P) our(N) economy(N) benefit(V) white(J) Americans(N,V) over(P) communities(N,V) of(P) color(N) ',' '"' @[Hudak](?) said(V) '.' <> President-elect(N) @[Donald](V) @[Trump](?) promised(V,J) to(P,R) address(V,N) some(D,N,R) of(P) the(D) economic(J) issues(N,V) facing(V,N) black(J,N) voters(N,V) with(P) his(N) New(J) Deal(N) for(P) Black(J,N) America(N) ',' which(D,N) he(N) released(V,J) in(P) October(N) '.' <> The(D) ten-point(N) plan(V) includes(V,N) a(D) series(N) of(P) economic(J) proposals(N,V) that(N,S,P) some(D,N,R) experts(N,V) say(V) fall(V,N) short(J) of(P) their(N) intended(V,J) goal(N) '.' <> In(P) it(N) ',' @[Trump](?) calls(V,N) for(P) tax(N) reforms(V,N) including(V,N) lowering(V,N,J) the(D) business(N,V) tax(N) from(P) '35' '%' to(P,R) '15' '%' and(C) imposing(V,N) a(D) '"' massive(J) '"' middle(N) class(N) tax(N) cut(V) and(C) child(N) care(V) tax(N) deductions(N,V) '.' <> Assuming(V,N) tax(N) cuts(V,N) will(V) help(V) communities(N,V) of(P) color(N) is(V) '"' foolish(J) ',' '"' said(V) @[Hudak](?) '.' <> '"' <> We(N) didn't(Phr) see(V) massive(J) employment(N,J) creation(N) in(P) the(D) [2000s](?) following(V,N) those(D,N,R) tax(N) cuts(V,N) ',' '"' @[Hudak](?) said(V) '.' <> '"' <> What(N) we(N) did(V) see(V) is(V) massive(J) wealth(N) accumulation(N) of(P) the(D) top(N) earning(V,N) of(P) Americans(N,V) ',' but(S) we(N) didn't(Phr) see(V) a(D) trickle(V) down(P) effect(N) '.' <> '"' <> Reverend(N) Starsky(N) @[Wilson](P,N) ',' the(D) president(J) and(C) chief(N) executive(J) of(P) the(D) Deaconess(N,V) Foundation(N,P) ',' a(D) non-profit(N) serving(V,N) the(D) children(N) of(P) St.(N) <> @[Louis](N,V) and(C) a(D) member(N) of(P) the(D) @[Ferguson](P,N) Commission(N) ',' said(V) a(D) better(J,V) way(N) to(P,R) spur(N,V) economic(J) growth(D) would(V) be(V) through(P) raising(V,N) the(D) minimum(N) wage(N) to(P,R) '$' '15' an(D) hour(N) '.' <> '"' <> Those(D,N,R) aren't(Phr,Phr,Phr) asset(N) building(V,N) strategies(N,V) ',' those(D,N,R) aren't(Phr,Phr,Phr) income(V) building(V,N) strategies(N,V) ',' '"' Starsky(N) said(V) of(P) the(D) @[Trump's](N,Phr,Phr) tax(N) plan(V) '.' <> According(V,N) to(P,R) '2015' data(N) from(P) the(D) Bureau(N) of(P) Labor(V) statistics(N,V) ',' '3' '%' of(P) white(J) ',' Asian(N,D) and(C) Latino(N) workers(N,V) earned(V,J) the(D) federal(J) minimum(N) wage(N) or(C) less(R) ',' compared(V,J) to(P,R) '4' '%' of(P) black(J,N) workers(N,V) '.' <> @[Trump](?) also(R) called(V,J) for(P) a(D) '"' tax(N) holiday(N) for(P) inner(J) city(N) investment(N,J) ',' '"' which(D,N) @[Melina](D) @[Abdullah](V) ',' a(D) professor(N,V) of(P) Pan-African(N,D) Studies(N,V) at(P) California(N) State(N) University(N,J) ',' @[Los](?) Angeles(N,V) and(C) an(D) organizer(N,J) for(P) the(D) @[Los](?) Angeles(N,V) Black(J,N) Lives(V,N) Matter(J,N) chapter(N) ',' called(V,J) '"' code(V) for(P) gentrification(N,P) '.' <> '"' <> She(N) said(V) such(D) tax(N) holidays(N) allow(V) investors(N,V) to(P,R) build(V) amenities(N,V) that(N,S,P) typically(R,J) attract(V) mostly(R) wealthier(J,N) ',' white(J) residents(N,V) ',' thereby(R) pushing(V,N) poorer(J,N) ',' working(V,N) class(N) people(N) of(P) color(N) further(J,V) away(R,P) from(P) city(N) centers(N,V) '.' <> In(P) his(N) plan(V) ',' @[Trump](?) also(R) calls(V,N) for(P) financial(N) reforms(V,N) to(P,R) expand(V) credit(N) and(C) support(V) new(J) job(N) creation(N) ',' including(V,N) making(V,N) it(N) easier(J,N) for(P) African-Americans(N,V) to(P,R) get(V) credit(N) to(P,R) start(V) businesses(N,V) '.' <> '"' Credit(N) is(V) debt(N) ',' '"' said(V) Starsky(N) '.' <> '"' <> The(D) community(N,J) is(V) talking(V,N) about(P) building(V,N) assets(N,V) ',' you're(Phr) talking(V,N) about(P) building(V,N) more(D,R) debt(N) '.' <> Who(N) benefits(V,N) when(R,S) you(N) offer(V) more(D,R) credit(N) '?' <> The(D) banks(N,V) '.' <> We've(Phr) seen(V) that(N,S,P) story(N) before(P,S,R) ',' '"' said(V) Starsky(N) ',' referring(V,N) to(P,R) the(D) housing(V,N) boom(N,V) when(R,S) blacks(N,V) and(C) Latinos(N,V) were(V) the(D) prime(J) targets(V,N) of(P) subprime(J) loans(N,V) '.' <> @[Trump](?) also(R) called(V,J) for(P) new(J) investments(N,V) in(P) infrastructure(N) as(R,S,P) a(D) way(N) to(P,R) create(V) jobs(N,V) ',' something(N,R) that(N,S,P) Democrats(N,V) have(V) had(V) on(P) their(N) agenda(N) '.' <> @[Hudak](?) said(V) @[Trump's](N,Phr,Phr) proposal(J) was(V) '"' a(D) very(R) good(J) idea(N) that(N,S,P) would(V) have(V) meaningful(J) effects(N,V) in(P) both(D) white(J) and(C) non-white(J) communities(N,V) ',' '"' but(S) he(N) was(V) concerned(V,J) about(P) the(D) emphasis(N) on(P) public(J) and(C) private(J) partnerships(N,V) to(P,R) achieve(V) that(N,S,P) goal(N) '.' <> '"' <> Roads(N,V) are(V) not(R) private(J) ',' ports(N,V) are(V) not(R) private(J) ',' '"' @[Hudak](?) said(V) '.' <> '"' <> I(N) don't(Phr) know(V) if(S) the(D) President-elect(N) would(V) use(V) tax(N) incentives(N,V) in(P) order(V) for(P) private(J) companies(N,V) to(P,R) take(V,N) over(P) public(J) infrastructure(N) '.' <> '"' <> @[Abdullah](V) was(V) also(R) concerned(V,J) about(P) this(D,N,R) point(N) '.' <> '"' <> Any(D,R) time(N) we(N) see(V) the(D) term(N) public-private(J) partnership(N) we(N) should(V) wake(V) up(P) '.' <> It(N) means(V,N) diverting(V,N) public(J) dollars(N,V) to(P,R) private(J) corporations(N,V) ',' '"' she(N) said(V) '.' <> @[Trump](?) also(R) proposed(V,J) canceling(V,N) '"' all(D,R) wasteful(J) climate(N) change(V) spending(V,N) from(P) @[Obama-Clinton](P) ',' including(V,N) all(D,R) global(J) warming(V,N) payments(N,V) to(P,R) the(D) United(V,J) Nations(N,V) ',' '"' and(C) using(V,N) the(D) estimated(V,J) savings(V,N) of(P) '$' '100' billion(D) over(P) '8' years(N,V) to(P,R) fund(V) urban(J) infrastructure(N) '.' <> '"' If(S) you(N) were(V) interested(V,J) in(P) the(D) water(N) systems(N,V) of(P) the(D) inner(J) city(N) you(N) wouldn't(Phr) be(V) talking(V,N) about(P) dismantling(V,N) the(D) @[EPA](?) ',' '"' said(V) Starsky(N) of(P) the(D) @[Ferguson](P,N) Commission(N) '.' <> '"' <> The(D) rebuilding(V,N) of(P) infrastructure(N) is(V) the(D) responsibility(N,J) of(P) government(N,J) '.' <> '"' <> Representatives(N,V) for(P) @[Trump](?) did(V) not(R) return(V,N) requests(V,N) seeking(V,N) comment(N) '.' <> ============================== - 1235 tokens - 996 words - 49 potential name words: @ abdullah : 1 @ afl-cio : 1 @ angeles : 2 @ black : 2 @ brookings : 1 @ bureau : 1 @ center : 1 @ cnn : 1 @ commission : 2 @ corporation : 1 @ deaconess : 1 @ deal : 1 @ democrats : 1 @ development : 1 @ donald : 1 @ economic : 2 @ epa : 1 @ ferguson : 2 @ foundation : 1 @ howard : 1 @ hudak : 2 @ institute : 2 @ institution : 1 @ kaiser : 1 @ labor : 1 @ lives : 1 @ los : 2 @ louis : 1 @ matter : 1 @ melina : 1 @ nations : 1 @ new : 1 @ obama-clinton : 1 @ pan-african : 1 @ pew : 1 @ policy : 2 @ president-elect : 1 @ research : 1 @ spriggs : 3 @ starsky : 4 @ state : 1 @ studies : 2 @ trump : 6 @ united : 1 @ university : 2 @ us : 1 @ white : 1 @ william : 1 @ wilson : 1 - 20 unknown words: ? 2000s | 1 | U: [2000s](U) @ abdullah | 2 | V: ab-(V→V) [dullah](U) @ afl-cio | 1 | U: a-(U) [fl](U) -(U) -cy(J→N) -o(U) @ cnn | 1 | U: [cnn](U) @ donald | 1 | V: do(V) [nald](U) @ epa | 1 | U: [epa](U) @ ferguson | 2 | P: [ferg](U) us(N) on(P) (P or N) @ howard | 1 | N: how(R) -ar(N) [d](U) (N, R, D, or U) @ hudak | 6 | U: [hudak](U) @ kaiser | 1 | N: [k](U) a-(U) is(V) -er(V→N) (N or J) @ los | 2 | U: [los](U) @ louis | 1 | N: [lou](U) -is(N) (N or V) @ melina | 1 | D: [mel](U) in-(J→V) a(D) @ obama-clinton | 1 | P: [obama-clint](U) on(P) @ pew | 1 | U: [pew](U) @ spriggs | 3 | U: [spriggs](U) @ trump | 7 | U: [trump](U) @ trump's | 2 | U: [trump](U) @ william | 1 | N: will(V) i(N) a-(U) [m](U) (N, D, or V) @ wilson | 1 | P: [w](U) i(N) -ly(N|J→R) -s(N→N) on(P) (P or N) - 216 derived words: o abdullah | 2 | V: ab-(V→V) [dullah](U) o according | 2 | V: accord(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o accumulation | 1 | N: accumulate(V) -ion(V|J→N) o afl-cio | 1 | U: a-(U) [fl](U) -(U) -cy(J→N) -o(U) o african-americans | 1 | N: Africa(N) -an(N→N) -(U) America(N) -an(N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o amenities | 1 | N: amen(I) -ity(J|N→N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o americans | 4 | N: America(N) -an(N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o angeles | 2 | N: angel(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o aren't | 4 | V: are(V) ⇒ R: not(R) (Phr, Phr, or Phr) o arguably | 1 | R: argue(V) -ably(V→R) (R or J) o asian | 1 | N: Asia(N) -an(N→N) (N or D) o assets | 1 | N: asset(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o assuming | 1 | V: assume(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o banks | 1 | N: bank(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o benefits | 1 | V: benefit(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o blacks | 3 | N: black(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o brookings | 1 | N: brook(N) -ing(N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o building | 4 | V: build(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o business | 1 | N: busy(J) -ness(J→N) (N or V) o businesses | 1 | N: busy(J) -ness(J→N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o called | 3 | V: call(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o calls | 3 | V: call(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o canceling | 1 | V: cancel(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o centers | 1 | N: center(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o communities | 3 | N: commune(V) -ity(J|N→N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o community | 1 | N: commune(V) -ity(J|N→N) (N or J) o companies | 1 | N: company(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o compared | 2 | V: compare(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o concerned | 2 | V: concern(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o considered | 1 | V: consider(N) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o considering | 1 | V: consider(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o conversation | 1 | N: converse(V) -ate(V) -ion(V|J→N) o corporation | 1 | N: corporate(J) -ion(V|J→N) o corporations | 1 | N: corporate(J) -ion(V|J→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o counterparts | 1 | N: counter-(U) part(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o country's | 1 | N: country(N) -'s(N→N) (N, Phr, Phr, Phr, or Phr) o creation | 2 | N: create(V) -ion(V|J→N) o cuts | 2 | V: cut(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o deaconess | 1 | N: deacon(N) -es(N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o deductions | 1 | N: deduct(V) -ion(V|J→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o definition | 1 | N: define(V) -ition(V→N) o democrats | 1 | N: democrat(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o development | 1 | N: develop(V) -ment(V→N) (N or J) o dialogue | 1 | N: dia-(N→N) logue~(N) o didn't | 2 | V: did(V) ⇒ R: not(R) o different | 1 | J: differ(V) -ent(J) o dismantling | 1 | V: dis-(U) mantle(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o disparities | 1 | N: dis-(U) parity(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o dissatisfied | 1 | V: dis-(U) satisfy(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o diverting | 1 | V: divert(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o dollars | 1 | N: dollar(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o don't | 1 | V: do(V) ⇒ R: not(R) o donald | 1 | V: do(V) [nald](U) o earned | 1 | V: earn(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o earning | 1 | V: earn(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o easier | 1 | J: easy(J) -er(J→J) (J or N) o economic | 8 | J: economy(N) -ic(N|V→J) o economically | 1 | R: economy(N) -ic(N|V→J) -al(N→J) -ly(N|J→R) (R or J) o economics | 1 | N: economy(N) -ic(N|V→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o economist | 1 | N: economy(N) -ist(N→N) (N or D) o education | 2 | N: educate(V) -ion(V|J→N) o effects | 1 | N: effect(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o election | 2 | N: elect(V) -ion(V|J→N) (N or P) o embodies | 1 | N: em-(V) body(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o employees | 1 | N: em-(V) ploy(N) -ee(V→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o employment | 1 | N: em-(V) ploy(N) -ment(V→N) (N or J) o estimated | 1 | V: estimate(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o executive | 1 | J: execute(V) -ive(N→J) o experts | 1 | N: expert(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o facing | 2 | V: face(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o families | 4 | N: family(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o ferguson | 2 | P: [ferg](U) us(N) on(P) (P or N) o financial | 2 | N: finance(N) -ial(N) o following | 1 | V: follow(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o foolish | 1 | J: fool(N) -ish(J|N→J) o forgotten | 1 | V: forgot(V) -en(V→V) (V, J, or D) o foundation | 1 | N: found(V) -ate(V) -ion(V|J→N) (N or P) o gentrification | 1 | N: gentry(N) -ify(N→V) -ic(N|V→J) -ate(V) -ion(V|J→N) (N or P) o global | 1 | J: globe(N) -al(N→J) o going | 1 | V: go(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o governance | 1 | N: govern(V) -ance(V→N) o government | 1 | N: govern(V) -ment(V→N) (N or J) o groups | 1 | N: group(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o growth | 1 | D: grow(V) -th(D→D) o hardworking | 1 | J: hard(J) work(V) -ing(V|N→V) (J or N) o higher | 1 | J: high(J) -er(J→J) (J or N) o holiday | 1 | N: holi~(J) day(N) o holidays | 1 | N: holi~(J) day(N) -s(N→N) o housing | 1 | V: house(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o howard | 1 | N: how(R) -ar(N) [d](U) (N, R, D, or U) o hurts | 1 | V: hurt(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o implicitly | 1 | R: implicit(J) -ly(N|J→R) o implies | 1 | V: imply(V) -es(V→V) (V or N) o imposing | 1 | V: im-(J→J) pose(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o incentives | 1 | N: in-(J→V) cent(N) -ive(N→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o includes | 1 | V: include(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o including | 3 | V: include(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o income | 2 | V: in-(J→V) come(V) o infrastructure | 4 | N: infra-(U) struct~(U) -ure(N) o institution | 1 | N: institute(V) -ion(V|J→N) o intended | 1 | V: in-(J→V) tend(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o interested | 1 | V: interest(N) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o investment | 1 | N: invest(V) -ment(V→N) (N or J) o investments | 1 | N: invest(V) -ment(V→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o investors | 1 | N: invest(V) -or(V|N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o issues | 1 | V: issue(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o jobs | 3 | N: job(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o kaiser | 1 | N: [k](U) a-(U) is(V) -er(V→N) (N or J) o largely | 2 | R: large(J) -ly(N|J→R) o latinos | 2 | N: Latino(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o likely | 2 | R: like(V) -ly(N|J→R) o lives | 1 | V: live(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o loans | 1 | N: loan(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o louis | 1 | N: [lou](U) -is(N) (N or V) o lowering | 1 | V: low(J) -er(J→J) -ing(V|N→V) (V, N, or J) o making | 1 | V: make(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o marginalized | 1 | V: margin(N) -al(N→J) -ize(V|N→V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o massive | 3 | J: mass(N) -ive(N→J) o matter | 1 | J: mate(N) -ty(N) -er(J→J) (J or N) o meaningful | 1 | J: mean(V) -ing(V|N→V) ful(J) o means | 1 | V: mean(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o melina | 1 | D: [mel](U) in-(J→V) a(D) o mostly | 1 | R: most(D) -ly(N|J→R) o narrative | 1 | J: narrate(V) -ive(N→J) o nations | 1 | N: nation(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o non-profit | 1 | N: non-(U) -(U) profit(N) o non-white | 1 | J: non-(U) -(U) white(J) o notion | 1 | N: not(R) -ion(V|J→N) (N or P) o obama-clinton | 1 | P: [obama-clint](U) on(P) o official | 1 | N: off(P) -ic(N|V→J) -ial(N) (N or J) o opposed | 1 | V: oppose(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o organizer | 1 | N: organize(V) -er(V→N) (N or J) o others | 1 | N: other(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o overalls | 1 | N: over(P) -al(N→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o overwhelmingly | 1 | R: over(P) whelm(V) -ing(V|N→V) -ly(N|J→R) o pan-african | 1 | N: pan(N) -(U) Africa(N) -an(N→N) (N or D) o partnership | 1 | N: partner(N) -ship(N→N) o partnerships | 1 | N: partner(N) -ship(N→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o payments | 1 | N: pay(V) -ment(V→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o personal | 1 | J: person(V) -al(N→J) o poorer | 1 | J: poor(J) -er(J→J) (J or N) o populism | 1 | N: popul~(J) -ism(N→N) o ports | 1 | N: port(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o president | 1 | J: preside(V) -ent(J) o president-elect | 2 | N: preside(V) -ent(J) -(U) elect(V) o pressures | 1 | N: press(V) -ure(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o problems | 1 | N: problem(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o professor | 2 | N: pro-(U) fess(V) -or(V|N→N) (N or V) o promised | 1 | V: promise(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o proposal | 1 | J: propose(V) -al(N→J) o proposals | 1 | N: propose(V) -al(N→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o proposed | 1 | V: propose(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o public-private | 1 | J: public(J) -(U) private(J) o pushing | 1 | V: push(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o racial | 1 | N: race(V) -ial(N) (N or J) o raising | 1 | V: raise(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o rates | 1 | N: rate(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o realities | 1 | N: real(J) -ity(J|N→N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o rebuilding | 1 | V: re-(U) build(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o referring | 1 | V: refer(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o reforms | 2 | V: re-(U) form(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o released | 1 | V: re-(U) lease(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o remains | 1 | V: remain(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o representatives | 1 | N: re-(U) present(V) -ate(V) -ive(N→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o requests | 1 | V: request(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o research | 1 | V: re-(U) search(V) o residents | 1 | N: re-(U) side(N) -ent(J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o respondents | 2 | N: respond(V) -ent(J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o responsibility | 1 | N: response(N) -ibility(V→N) (N or J) o return | 1 | V: re-(U) turn(V) (V or N) o roads | 1 | N: road(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o satisfied | 1 | V: satisfy(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o savings | 1 | V: save(V) -ing(V|N→V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o sector | 1 | N: sect(N) -or(V|N→N) o seeking | 1 | V: seek(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o serving | 1 | V: serve(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o showed | 1 | V: show(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o situation | 2 | N: situ(N) -ate(V) -ion(V|J→N) (N or P) o spending | 1 | V: spend(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o starsky | 5 | N: star(N) sky(N) o statistics | 1 | N: state(N) -ist(N→N) -ic(N|V→J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o steady | 1 | J: stead(N) -y(N→J) o strategies | 2 | N: strategy(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o studies | 3 | N: study(N) -es(N→N) (N or V) o subprime | 1 | J: sub-(U) prime(J) o supposed | 1 | V: suppose(V) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o systems | 1 | N: system(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o taken | 1 | V: take(V) -en(V→V) (V or J) o talking | 3 | V: talk(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o targets | 1 | V: target(V) -s(V→V) (V or N) o ten-point | 1 | N: ten(D) -(U) point(N) o tendency | 1 | N: tend(V) -en(J) -cy(J→N) (N or J) o things | 1 | N: thing(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o times | 1 | N: time(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o trends | 1 | N: trend(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o trump's | 2 | N: [trump](U) -'s(N→N) (N, Phr, or Phr) o typically | 1 | R: type(N) -ic(N|V→J) -al(N→J) -ly(N|J→R) (R or J) o underclass | 1 | N: under(P) class(N) o unemployment | 1 | N: un-(J→J) em-(V) ploy(N) -ment(V→N) (N or J) o united | 1 | V: unit(N) -ed(V→V) (V or J) o university | 2 | N: uni-(N→N) verse(N) -ity(J|N→N) (N or J) o using | 1 | V: us(N) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o voters | 2 | N: vote(V) -er(V→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o wages | 1 | N: wage(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o warming | 1 | V: warm(J) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o wasteful | 1 | J: waste(V) ful(J) o we've | 1 | N: we(N) ⇒ V: have(V) o wealthier | 1 | J: wealth(N) i(N) -er(J→J) (J or N) o whites | 5 | N: white(J) -s(N→N) (N or V) o william | 1 | N: will(V) i(N) a-(U) [m](U) (N, D, or V) o wilson | 1 | P: [w](U) i(N) -ly(N|J→R) -s(N→N) on(P) (P or N) o workers | 5 | N: work(V) -er(V→N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o working | 10 | V: work(V) -ing(V|N→V) (V or N) o wouldn't | 1 | V: would(V) ⇒ R: not(R) o years | 3 | N: year(N) -s(N→N) (N or V) o you're | 1 | N: you(N) ⇒ V: are(V) - 996 total words - 457 distinct words (45.9% of total) - 437 known words (95.6% of distinct) - 20 unknown words (4.4% of distinct) - 216 derived words (47.3% of distinct) - 204 known derived words (44.6% of distinct, 46.7% of known, 94.4% of derived) - 423 lexemes used (96.8% the number of known words) - 374 free/bound lexemes used (85.6% the number of known words) - Rate: 2.1 parses/second - Rate: 2600.0 tokens/second - Rate: 2096.8 words/second - 3 iterations took 1.4 seconds - 1427 lexemes defined - Done Program ended with exit code: 0